Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tornado ACS -- Demonstration, Mock-Up and Small Projects

How it works: As a self-contained unit the Tornado is essentially a very large vacuum cleaner. The hood when placed against the area to be cleaned creates a vacuum against the surface. The wand is inserted into the hood and as the aggregate material is sucked into the vacuum it strikes against the surface.

Unlike with aggregate blasting the media with the Tornado is pulled through the hood and back into the unit where it is then filtered and recycled. Thus a small quantity of media can be used to do a relatively larger area of work than with conventional blast technology.

The vacuum technology also allows for a more delicate and controlled use of a low-pressure flow, and thus is suited to be used on more sensitive surfaces than would be acceptable for conventional aggregate blast technology. Also, the enclosed space of the hood provides a level of control of surface areas to be cleaned. The standard hood is flat, though various custom configurations can be provided for ornamental detailing.

As the unit is fully self-contained, without dust entering into the work area the set-up and protection needs for use of the unit are minimal. The technology, where appropriately matched to the materials, allows for a very quick response to graffiti removal. Mobilization and demobilization can be accomplished in a matter of minutes. Likewise, the sound level at a rated 75 dB makes it possible to use the unit in the vicinity of groups of people, indoors or outdoors. Other than a standard electrical outlet there is no additional equipment required for operation. This means no water hose, no compressor, no chemicals, and no significant site clean-up.

Uses: Graffiti Removal, Removal of Paint Coatings, Fire and Smoke Restoration, and Masonry Cleaning.

Availability: Ken and David Follett, working with Pat Morrissey of ConSpec Associates have a unit available for-hire for demonstrations, mock-ups and small projects in the NYC, CT and Hudson Valley Region. Services are also available in Northern NJ, Massachusetts and Eastern Pennsylvania.  Our rates are based on travel time and time on site.

Contact: You may contact us for further information or an inquiry as to a demonstration, mock-up, or small project at tornado.mock.up@gmail.com

Additional Information: http://www.tornadoacs.com